Test 19 min read

In today’s digital age, we hear the phrases “Like, Share, and Subscribe” as a call to action for engagement. However, these words can also be applied as a simple life philosophy.

Be Likeable to move ahead

In both personal and professional life, being likeable is about more than just gaining approval; it’s about building genuine connections and fostering relationships that can help you move forward. Here’s how to enhance your likeability and create pathways for advancement:

  1. Cultivate Authenticity:
    1. Be Yourself: Show your true self and be honest in your interactions. Authenticity builds trust and attracts like-minded individuals who can support your journey. People are drawn to those who are genuine.
    2. Honesty and Transparency: Practice honesty in your interactions. Being open and transparent builds trust, which is the foundation of any strong relationship.
  2. Communicate Effectively:
    1. Clear and Concise: Communicate clearly and concisely. Effective communication minimizes misunderstandings and ensures that your message is received as intended.
    2. Respectful Tone: Use a respectful and considerate tone in all your interactions. The way you say something is often as important as what you say.
  3. Develop Empathy:
    1. Active Listening: Show genuine interest in others by actively listening to what they have to say. This means paying attention, asking questions, and responding thoughtfully. Being empathetic not only makes you more likeable but also strengthens your relationships and opens doors to new opportunities.
    2. Understanding the Perspective: Make an effort to understand and respect the feelings and viewpoints of others. Empathy fosters deeper connections and demonstrates that you value others’ experiences.
  4. Show Appreciation:
    1. Acknowledge Efforts: Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and contributions of those around you. A simple thank you or a word of recognition can go a long way in making others feel valued.
    2. Celebrate Successes: Celebrate the successes of others. Sharing their joy and accomplishments creates a positive environment and strengthens your relationships with them.
  5. Be Positive and Supportive:
    1. Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude, even in challenging situations. Positivity is contagious and can inspire and motivate those around you.
    2. Offer Support: Be willing to help and support others. Whether it’s offering advice, lending a hand with a project, or simply being there to listen, your support can make a significant difference.
  6. Build Trust:
    1. Reliability: Be reliable and consistent in your actions. Follow through on your promises, commitments and demonstrate that people can count on you.
    2. Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of others and maintain confidentiality when needed. Trust is built on the assurance that personal information will be handled with care and discretion.
  7. Be Humble :
    1. Admit Mistakes: Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong. Acknowledging your mistakes and learning from them shows humility and a willingness to grow. It also demonstrates to others that they have the freedom to make mistakes and the opportunity to correct them based on the circumstances.
    2. Give Credit: Give credit where it’s due. Recognize the contributions of others and avoid taking sole credit for collaborative efforts.

Share What You’ve Got

Sharing your skills, knowledge, and experience is a fundamental principle that fosters growth, collaboration, and collective success. By sharing what you have, you can create a positive impact on those around you, build stronger relationships, and contribute to a culture of continuous learning and development. Here’s how to effectively share your skills, knowledge, and experience:


  1. Identify Your Strengths:
    1. Self-Awareness: Reflect on your key skills and strengths. Understanding what you excel at allows you to offer your expertise where it is most needed and reap the rewards & recognition for it.
    2. Relevant Application: Focus on sharing skills that are relevant to the context of the problem and needs of those you’re helping. Tailor your approach to ensure it is practical and useful.
  2. Teach and Mentor:
    1. One-on-One Mentorship: Offer to mentor individuals who could benefit from your skills. Personalized guidance can accelerate their learning and boost their confidence.
    2. Workshops and Training: Conduct workshops or training sessions to teach specific skills. These can be formal or informal, in person or online, depending on the audience and context.
  3. Collaborative Efforts: Engage in collaborative projects and be open to working with others. Sharing of ideas and resources can lead to innovative solutions and new opportunities that you might not have discovered alone.


Share your expertise and experiences with others. This could be through mentoring, writing, teaching, or simply having conversations that impart valuable insights. When you share what you know, you not only help others but also reinforce your own understanding.

  1. Public Speaking:
    1. Conferences and Seminars: Present at conferences, seminars, or webinars. These platforms allow you to share your knowledge, inspire, and educate a wide audience.
    2. Guest Lecturing: Volunteer as a guest lecturer at educational institutions. Engaging with students provides an opportunity to influence and mentor the next generation of professionals.
  2. Collaborative Platforms:
    1. Online Forums: Participate in online forums and communities related to your field. Answering questions and sharing insights can help others while also expanding your network.
    2. Social Media: Use social media platforms to share articles, insights, and tips. Engaging with your audience through comments and discussions enhances the learning experience for everyone involved.


  1. Share Stories and Lessons:
    1. Case Studies: Share detailed case studies of your experiences. Highlight the challenges you faced, the strategies you employed, and the outcomes achieved. This provides practical, real-world examples that others can learn from.
    2. Personal Stories: Tell personal stories that illustrate key lessons you’ve learned throughout your career. Anecdotes can be powerful tools for conveying complex concepts in an understandable way.
  2. Networking and Connections:
    1. Facilitate Introductions: Use your network to connect people who can benefit from each other’s experiences. Facilitating these introductions can lead to new collaborations and opportunities for learning.
    2. Host Networking Events: Organize networking events or meetups where people can share their experiences and learn from each other. Creating a community of like-minded individuals fosters collective growth.
  3. Feedback and Advice:
    1. Constructive Criticism: Offer constructive feedback to help others improve. Be specific, actionable, and supportive in your suggestions.
    2. Career Advice: Share your insights on career development, including tips on navigating challenges, making strategic decisions, and achieving long-term goals.

Subscribe to the Right Mentors/ Guides


Choosing the right mentors/guides is crucial for personal and professional development. Mentors provide guidance, wisdom, and support that can accelerate your growth, helping you to achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively. Subscribing to the right mentors can significantly enhance your personal and professional journey. Integrate these principles into your approach to mentorship, and you will find yourself equipped with the guidance and wisdom needed to navigate your path with confidence and purpose. Here’s how to ensure you subscribe to the right mentors/guides:

  1. Identify Your Goals:
    1. Clarity of Purpose: Before seeking a mentor, clearly define your short-term and long-term goals. Understanding what you want to achieve helps you identify mentors who have the relevant expertise and experience to guide you.
    2. Alignment with Values: Look for mentors whose values align with yours. A mentor who shares your core principles will provide advice that resonates with you and is easier to integrate into your life.
  2. Seek Experience and Wisdom:
    1. Track Record of Success: Choose mentors who have a proven track record in the areas where you seek growth. Their accomplishments and experiences are valuable resources that can provide you with practical insights and strategies.
    2. Diverse Perspectives: Don’t limit yourself to one mentor. Different mentors can offer diverse perspectives, providing a well-rounded approach to tackling challenges and making informed decisions.
  3. Engage Actively:
    1. Active Participation: Subscribing to a mentor involves more than just listening to their advice. Actively engage in discussions, ask thoughtful questions, and seek clarification on points that are unclear.
    2. Implement Feedback: Show your commitment to growth by applying the feedback and advice given by your mentors. Track your progress and adjust your approach based on their insights.
  4. Build a Strong Relationship:
    1. Mutual Respect: Foster a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. Value your mentor’s time, expertise, and express your appreciation for their guidance.
    2. Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your mentor. Share your successes, challenges, and be receptive to constructive criticism. This openness will enhance the mentoring relationship and lead to more meaningful guidance.
  5. Continuous Learning:
    1. Stay Curious: Demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow continuously. Show your mentors that you are proactive about seeking knowledge and improving yourself.
    2. Adapt and Evolve: Be open to evolving your goals and strategies based on the insights gained from your mentors. The ability to adapt and embrace new approaches is key to sustained growth.
  6. Give Back:
    1. Pay It Forward: As you benefit from your mentors’ guidance, look for opportunities to mentor others. Sharing your knowledge and experiences helps create a culture of continuous learning and support.
    2. Express Gratitude: Regularly express your gratitude to your mentors. Acknowledging their contributions not only strengthens your relationship but also encourages them to continue investing in your growth.
  7. Learn from Mistakes:
    1. Error Analysis: Share the mistakes you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned from them. This helps your mentees avoid similar errors and approach situations with greater awareness.
    2. Preventive Measures: Discuss strategies and best practices that can prevent common pitfalls. Providing this foresight can save your mentees time and resources.
  8. Leverage Existing Knowledge:
    1. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Encourage your mentees to utilize existing solutions and knowledge. Highlight the importance of building on established practices rather than starting from scratch.
    2. Access to Resources: Provide access to books, articles, tools, and networks that contain valuable insights and proven methods. This ensures that your mentees have a strong foundation to build upon.
  9. Utilize Others’ Wisdom:
    1. Wisdom Sharing: Share the wisdom and advice you’ve received from your own mentors and experiences. Emphasize how this guidance has shortened your path to success.
    2. Efficient Pathways: Guide your mentees on the most efficient pathways to achieve their goals. Using collective wisdom, they can navigate their journey with fewer detours and delays.

Adopting the philosophy of “Like, Share, and Subscribe” can immensely impact your life. Strive to be likeable and build authentic relationships that propels you forward. Share your knowledge, skills, and experience to create a positive and collaborative environment. Finally, subscribe to the right mentors to gain the wisdom and guidance needed for continuous growth. By integrating these principles into your life, you can navigate your journey with greater purpose and fulfillment.

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